The Health-Related Quality of Life for Drug Abusers Test

Original/alternative title:  HRQOLDA


The HRQOLDA Test is a 20 items clinician-administered interview.

It is a quality-of-life instrument specific to drug abuse and is based on the bi-axial addiction concept of Edwards and Gross and was developed as a standardised tool to measure the impact of treatment in health-related quality of life (physical perception, psychological health, and social functioning) of drug abusers.

The operative definition consists of a physical category that includes the person’s physical functional status, symptoms and dependence. A second, psychosocial category includes psychological dependence, symptoms, deterioration of cognitive functioning, general perception of health, social functioning, and expectations.

Additional information

Lozano Rojas OM; Rojas Tejada AJ; Perez Melendez C. Development of a specific Health-Related Quality of Life Test in Drug Abusers using the Rasch Rating Scale Model. European Addiction Research 2009;15(2):63-70.

Lozano, O.M., Rojas, A.J., Pérez, C., González-Sáiz, F., Ballesta, R. y Bilbao, A. (2008). Evidencias de validez del Test para la Evaluación de la Calidad de Vida en Adictos a Sustancias Psicoactivas a partir del modelo biaxial de la adicción. Psicothema, 20(2), 311-317.
