Cocaine users entering treatment in the EU (updated June 2021)


Graphic shows characteristics and trends for cocaine users entering treatment (EU-27), including trends.

This graphic is take from the European Drug Report 2021. Full source data and methods and definitions may be found in the Statistical Bulletin 2021.

Graphic source data is provided below for accessibility and reuse purposes.

Chatacteristics of cocaine users entering treatment

Gender breakdown

Gender # %
Females 8244 15%
Males 48146 85%


Characteristic Age
Mean age entering treatment 35
Mean age at first use 23

Route of administration

Route Nummber %
Injecting 1187 2%
Smoking/inhaling 13200 26%
Eating/drinking 790 2%
Sniffing 34727 69%
Other 317 1%

Treatment status of client

Treatment status
  Number % Number (rounded)
First-time entrants 26670 47% 27000
Previously treated entrants 25141 44% 25000
Unknown 4708 8% 5000
Total 56519   57000

Trends in first-time entrants, based on 24 countries (2009-2019)

Trends in first-time entrants (2009-2019
Country 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Germany 947 917 965 1012 1322 1340 1494 1713 1358 1533 1533
Spain 12455 12148 10637 10142 10734 8234 8445 9052 10393 10871 10871
Italy 10020 8112 6938 4187 4037 5006 6296 7417 7993 6014 6255
Other countries 2871 2581 2054 1883 2355 2578 3339 3632 4486 5572 5954

Note. Apart from trends, data are for all treatment entrants with cocaine as primary drug. Trends in first-time entrants are based on 24 countries. Only countries with data for at least 8 of the 11 years are included in the trends graph. Missing values are interpolated from adjacent years. Due to changes in the flow of data at national level, data since 2014 for Italy are not comparable with earlier years.
